Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm Busy Means IDGAF!

I haven't written a note in the longest, but as I was deleting a few things off my page I came across a few interactions from the past. As each of those situations dwindled I recalled either being told a certain two words or saying it to someone else. Those two words (well technically three without the contraction) were "I'm busy" it's an easy solution to getting out of a situation without being too descriptive or being too mean. In some cases a person could be genuinely busy. But as life has shown me, regardless of how busy you are you'll make time for those that matter.
So umm take heed to the following information: If you ever find yourself in a predicament in which you are the only one putting forth an effort, let go. If it was meant to be the other person will realize it and re-establish the situation. Never chase someone who won't even jog for you, know your worth and demand to be treated as worthy of such. This can be a real tough scenario for the kind at heart, but if you succumb to mediocracy that's all you'll receive. And I don't know about you but that's just not going to cut it.

But if that person does come to the realization that they've neglected you, be open to what they have to say & avoid the blame game. Discuss, but do not dwell upon the past. Find a common ground on how you both can improve things and make a conscience notation of each other's schedules. In essence, be mindful of the times that you contact a person if you know that they will be unavailable. Make an effort on both ends
to use your time wisely, for instance if you know you'll be busy all day but have a brief lunch break meet up then. When it all comes down to it convenience certainly helps the situation. So the next time you're considering on telling someone "I'm busy" tell them what you really mean. Whether its I'll be busy for this week let's plan to hang out next week or if you'll be busy indefinitely when it comes to that person and no longer wish to speak with them. It's always better to be honest than to beat around the bush. So I hope you aren't too busy to actually act on this. Because sooner or later the person who you may have been too busy for may be too busy for you because they're with a new set of people. So please make an effort to give a ....